Through an exclusive Teaming Agreement, NuSource is the provider of all Pall Corporation Safety Related (10CFR 50 Appendix B), and ASME Section III replacement parts for items installed in the United States, Canada, Latin America and Republic of Korea.
Safety Related Filter / Cartridge Elements Through our agreement with Pall, NuSource has the ability to obtain the design information of the original equipment, filter or cartridge elements. We use this data to develop our commercial grade dedication plan including the dimensional inspection and flow testing criteria to verify these characteristics. This gives NuSource the ability to provide true safety related replacement parts. “Like for Like” Replacements NuSource can provide “Like for Like” replacements utilizing original (OEM) drawings, and design calculations, while using similar manufacturing processes and techniques. This is the most cost effective approach for replacement spare parts. |
NuSource has the experience with nuclear plant design and licensing, knowledge of replacement part projects, and vessel design. We can prepare a new Certified Design Specification and the supporting ASME Code calculations necessary to install a “new” Pall Filter on any system inside a nuclear power facility.
- Minimize radioactive exposure
- Meet today’s stringent regulatory requirements
- Reduce total cost of ownership